My name is Graham Frame (Fram to my friends) and I’m creating this blog as a part of a course I bought to teach me how to make money as an affiliate. I’m sorry if this gets a bit long but I think it’s important to understand exactly why I am here now, doing what I am doing.
That’s me to the right but it’s rather flattering as it was taken about 2010.
Let’s be clear about this, because I have been online since 1998 and made my first affiliate commission that year for the grand sum of $1.12.
Since then I have made money here and there with different plans, but I never really stuck with any to actually build a recurring income of any size or significance.

The reason for this is principally that I have never worried about money, not because I am wealthy or have a wealthy background. Quite the reverse in fact, I come from a working class background in Manchester UK and have never had a big bank balance.
I don’t know exactly how I got the idea that whatever I wanted to do, I could and the money would somehow arrive to finance whatever it was. I lived my life just planning whatever I wanted to do and somehow it always worked out!
I have been blessed with some very high paying jobs, before I decided that I just did not like working for anyone. That’s the rebel in me!
In 1973 I decided I would never work in an office again and left a high paying job in Bermuda with no real idea of what I would do next. I did have a small amount of cash and planned to fly to the USA and then travel overland to Argentina, where a friend of mine was working as a teacher. I had also bought a flight from Argentina to the UK which was my “insurance policy.”
However, in January 1974 I was in Flores, Guatemala and I met the love of my life, Laura, who became my wife on the 8th February, even though she knew no English and my Spanish was limited to ordering eggs for breakfast!
I cashed in my return ticket from Argentina and had just about enough to buy 2 tickets to Manchester, England, where we arrived with less than £2 to start our new life together.
Fortunately, my parents accepted us with open arms and this gave us time to find our feet. I had many different jobs of widely varied natures, including working on a turkey farm (very seasonal), being a fireman and selling insurance knocking on doors.
Then, I answered an advert to work for Rank Xerox selling word processors; remember we are still mid 1970’s long before the age of personal computers and such. State of the art office equipment in those days was an electric typewriter!
Anyway, the job came my way and back in the mid 1970s I was making over £16,000 a year with a car and full expenses. I guess that equates to about £200,000 a year today.
But, we decided that working for others was not our ideal and so my wife and I bought a petshop, which was a lot of fun and mainly through my wife’s endeavour we built the business to a couple of shops and a wholesale warehouse, also manufacturing pet foods..
I then decided I’d had enough of that and I gave the business to my nephew much to my wife's initial disbelief and then dismay. This is still back in the 1980s.
After a while my cash ran out and so I went to a supermarket and spent my last £5 on bread and cheese and meats etc., made sandwiches and went around local offices selling them. After a while we had a shop and then another shop and a deli-style restaurant. Once again largley due to my wife’s endeavour.
Then I got involved in MLM and was fascinated by the power of leveraging income through a matrix system. However, although I made handy cash most of my team did not make anything and that puzzled and upset me.
I changed companies 3 times to try and rectify this situation, but although I made enough money to live on comfortably, most did not make anything.
It was at this time, by now mid 1990s, that my wife was invited to visit family in the USA and so off she went for 3 months with me to follow for the last month. What happened is that my wife said she wanted to stay there and so I got rid of everything and joined her in the USA where we remained until 2007.
During this time I got into affiliate marketing and we also had our own MLM business providing web hosting (among other things).
In 2007 we decided to relocate to Ireland and so rented accomodation for 3 months while we found a place to live. It did not work out and so we set off for Italy in our van, along with our 3 dogs and pet duck that had come with us from the USA. Laura, my wife, had a sister living in Milan and that was our first port of call, then moving on to the Adriatic coast near Pescara. We bought a “fixer upper” there which we lived in until we left Italy in 2010 when we returned to the UK.
During our travels the payment company called “SafePay” that we used for our business, stole our money and emptied our bank account – not very safe despite the name!
We had no business but I always believe there will be enough and there always was. Since about 2000 I have been trying to find a way thet would help ALL people in online marketing make money and by 2020 that had evolved into a not for profit organisation called We Share Abundance.
We Share Abundance, has had some spectacular ups and downs, but is now on a path to help people all over the world, but lacking cash flow at this moment in time. For this reason I am turning to Affilaite Marketing, not for personal money reasons, but to help the cash flow of We Share Abundance.
Because of my way of thinking, which I accept is probably not the norm for most people, I have never been motivated to responsibly and persistently follow any money making plan. Enough has always been enough for me and enough to live as I choose has always been available somehow!
Over the years I have changed from Atheist to very spiritual and my spiritual Guru is Paramahansa Yogananda. I mention this because one of his quotes now is the reason that I am embarking on this course.
“We cannot live happily by spiritual sustenance alone nor by material prosperity alone. It is only by having ambition and by crowning that ambition with the idea of service to others, either by helping them individually or by working for some great cause, that you will find a spiritual reason for making money for yourself and others. To help others to help themselves also spiritualizes ambition. An Almighty Power has linked us all together. Whenever you help others you are helping yourself.”
Interestingly, I found this course because some years ago (2016) I must have had a need for a thousand £ or so and found what I considered to be good ethical products which I could promote and feel good about. See the screenshot below (I found this when I logged into the back office for his new coaching). These products were created by the man who has put this course together and he has emailed me regularly since 2016 (most times not even opened by me); “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”.

For whatever reason (providence), I opened one of his emails joined his course, and it is now my intention to use the knowledge I will gain to run a disciplined business, creating over $20,000 a month, over time, for We Share Abundance. My initial goal is to cover all costs and then to generate $10,000 a month within 12 months.
My time is limited to about 2 hours a day due to my other commitments, but through this blog I intend to share my progress so that ANYONE can do what I do and either change their own personal life for the better or help some great cause.
God bless.
36 replies to "About Me"
Please feel free to comment here or ask questions.
goede morgen heer Frame, wat een mooie avontuur. geweldig om het te lezen.
Het is altijd goed om anderen te helpen. alle goeds en ik blijf u volgen.
Alle goeds, groetjes Linneth
Bedankt Linneth – ik hoop dat mijn reis vanaf nu niet alleen interessant zal zijn, maar je ook zal helpen en motiveren. God zegene.
Hey, great post and one I totally relate to…. I too made some money online in the past but gave up for one reason or another.
I love this quote in your post To help others to help themselves also spiritualizes ambition
I had not thought that my ambition could be spirtualised like that.
I wiskhyou all the best
Thanks Tony, I know that this path will be satisfying for us all in growing more. Stop growing and we start dying; we are not ready for that yet.
God bless.
Hey Fram , Great post to read, what a colourful Journey through life you have had! Ups and downs of course and learnings along the way but also some wonderful experiences and I love that through the twists and turns you have travelled and been able to live in different places around the world. Worldwide travel is on my bucket list!
I also love your quote…when the student is ready the teacher appears. It is a favourite of mine, one I have always believed in.
Your faith is strong, I love your purpose and I believe you will achieve exactly what you have set out to do.
I wish you every success!
I look forward to revisiting, reading your future posts and watching your progress.
Thanks Karen, it’s always great to receive support and good wishes.
We all will succeed in anything we do as long as we never give up. The more we focus on where we are heading and not on where we are now the faster the ride becomes. God bless
Wow, what a crazy ride your life has been! I am so impressed by your resistance and your ability to just give it all up at a moment to start over. Your courage is inspiring, and I look forward to following you on your journey!
There’s nothing like the excitement you get riding on a roller coaster!
Life should always be fun and if it’s not then we should make a change.
Thanks for reading Alison, I hope in some way I can make a difference in the lives of others through my blog.
I really enjoy your post. I like your philosophy that there will always be enough. That does tend to be true in the end, but I tend to stress in the middle. You have a really big and meaningful why for your affiliate marketing business. I wish you all the best and look forward to watching you grow your business so you can fund your dream and share abundance with others.
Thanks Nakina, Success is assured for those who will do anything it takes.
And there is no middle in always enough – universal mind is perfect and knows no lack; to reach that never-failing supply you must maintain a consciousness of abundance.
God bless.
I’m really fascinated by your story, your goals, and your purpose for pursuing those goals. Thanks for sharing, and I’ll be following your blog to see how things go for you.
From your story, I expect it will turn out. I’m encouraged by your mindset.
Thanks Nathan, I look forward to being of value tp you and hopefully many others
God bless
What an amazing journey your life has taken Graham, with I imagine, plenty of great stories in each place you have visited/lived. A true Adventurer.
I want to just say thankyou for all you have done, and are still doing, for “We Share Abundance”. I have been with you for over 3 years now, so have experienced the early highs and the drop, and the “Come Back” which is currently happening.
There are so many so called leaders that have their own opportunity to sell but most are just show ponies and not honest. As you say most online opportunities last less than 3 months before the rug pull, and innocent people lose their dollars.
Your honesty and willingness for your members to succeed, just shines through. What other leader makes themselves available each and every day for a webinar update and questions?
Do remember to take some earnings for yourself and Laura.
Regards Carl
Thanks Carl – you are appreciated. My income needs are small and so my prime objective is in making WSA self sustaining and beneficial for all our citizens.
Wow Graham.
You have a very amazing story. There are so much I can learn from you. I love how adventurous and entrepreneurial you are.
I also like your belief about “whatever I wanted to do, I could and the money would somehow arrive”. This is the belief that I’m trying to cultivate in myself.
I’m sure with that strong belief, you can achieve the new goal you set for yourself in no time.
Wow what a wonderful and inspiring story , you have had an amazing and challenging life and am humbled by you Graham , your wife and family , your amazing , Guatemala is the place we personally go to find peace , love and spirituality too lake atitlan , the connection I always knew was there with us for you and your words inspire us , so thankyou for sharing , love , peace and abundance and blessings Annie xx
Hey Graham,
You gave a great overall picture of where you came from, who you are and what made you who you are.
I appreciate the transparency.
It wasn’t all fluff and roses.
It smacks as real!
A great and interesting read.
Hi Graham
Your story is so captivating that it can wake up a sleeping Tom and spur him into taking action that will bring freedom in all areas of his life. I have been receiving your mail likewise for over a decade but have not taken consideration of the fact that this may be the goose that will lay the golden age that I’m looking for. I’m deeply moved by your testimony. Truly “when the student is ready the teacher will appear.” Thanks for your impact
hey a great post
please send the course details to me so that I can join thx God bless
If and when it becomes available to others I will be sure to let everyone know so that they too can benefit. God bless.
Hi Graham
Amazing read. What a varied a colourful life story. An inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
Enjoyed reading your story Mr Frame.
Ever since, ohhh cant remember how long ago now, i know its been a while.
Beginning of WSA, i think.
Always thought of you is a good friend, busy one lol, but a good person, with a lot of good wisdom.
You Look so young for your age.
Credit to im sure of being so positive, and staying away from being negative.
Takes as much energy to be positive, as it does to be negative.
You have had quite a journey in your life, Looking forward to many more moons to follow you on the journey forward with WSA and the mission and purpose, that you started WSA to begin with.
“Keep On Keeping On”
thank you for sharing your experience
Wow! This is what I call owning an inner child, inside I do not admire you if you say that there is a lighthouse in the driving of your purpose! Strength there brother (it’s the kind of people we need on planet Earth) Amen
There are so many so called leaders that have their own opportunity to sell but most are just show ponies and not honest. As you say most online opportunities last less than 3 months before the rug pull, and innocent people lose their dollars.
Your honesty and willingness for your members to succeed, just shines through. What other leader makes themselves available each and every day for a webinar Thanks Mr Graham Yours sincerely Mwamba Promise
Graham, I feel tired after reading that. I mean in a good way. What an amazing varied and exciting life you had. Travelling from country to country job to job with very little means and then building different businesses. It’s really inspirational. I’m not sure I could do that, it’s great to read about your life and I look forward to seeing what happens next. With your experience and you’re obviously very streetwise, I think you’re going to do very well. thanks for sharing your journey. I look forward to the next one . Thanks, Atif
What a wonderful post that can be targed “How it all started”. I came to realize through this great post,the power of the mind.the believe system.Despite your background you were comitted to whatever you choose to do and also believed that resource will avail it’s self at the point of need.Its awesome to know that people need to be helped for them to help them self and spiritualizing your endeavour shows how much God had taken over you and will help encourage every one connected to you to Love God and aspire for full potential exploration.
Sir Graham your one in a billion.God bless you. Your an ideal leader.
Enjoyed reading about your journey, It is a noble undertaking to take on the roll of servant to others. The online world presents lots of opportunities to help others.
As you have learned the key to success is not what can we do for our self but what can we do for others.
Appreciate you sharing your journey with us.
Thanks CJ
I hope my efforts can help you and others to reach their goals.
God bless.
Hello Fram,
You certainly have had a very interesting life so far! And I have no doubt it will continue to be so. I love the fact that you are wanting to help others, and not just wanting to make money for yourself. That is very noble. I wish you much success!
I postponed reading this post until now since I wanted to clear my inbox and after seeing the headline I started ‘speed reading’ since I’ve had my share of “About me’s) I believed, slowed down the further I went then started from the beginning again since it became very interesting the further I read…
I’m not a man of many words and hates writing but must say WOW, what a journey you’ve had so far but I believe it’s not over yet since WSA is still an infant and you’ve got to nurture it ’til adolescence.
I know I’m not the only one who believes in you and your mission to help others and we thank you for everything you’ve done so far, whether successful or failed, we’re with you Graham Frame.
Thanks Andrew – Failed is just a part of the journey to success. Those who have never failed have never attempted anything and that would be a sad state for any human being.
I know you have your own projects and I feel sure that you will travel a bumpy path whish is success, not some perceived detination
God bless.
Fram, really loved reading your post. I appreciate your personal story and the freedom you’ve had to travel and do things without much concern about money (I believe I have lived life similarly) I do regard myself as a spiritual person which is why I have not thought much about money having also often feeling conflicted but am now ready to look at that as a possible barrier to work through. For that reason, have copied the quote from your spiritual guru as he is right, we need both the spiritual and material.
Thanks Eleanor, yes balance is important in life and although money is just a tool, it is required for so much in our lives. Chasing money is stressful, but serving others brings joy and attracts money.
God bless.